Multiple protagonists or viewpoint characters. This is a world beyond a single person’s perspective.

This setting is an attempt to create:

  • A multi-planetary high-fantasy/high-technology setting, inspired by franchises such as Final Fantasy
  • A system of planets created as rough fantasy analogues of our Solar system.
  • Physical, magical, and moral conflicts that don’t re-invoke colonialism or historical bigotry
  • A flexible but consistent magic system that permits a wide range of practices & disciplines

Storytelling Principles

  • The wonders and terrors of power matched with ambition
  • There are no Chosen Ones or fated heroes, but there are bloodlines and inheritances that can affect one’s future
  • Multiple protagonists or viewpoint characters. This is a world beyond a single person’s perspective
  • People don’t need to be conquered or guided, but freed
  • A sense of continuity and history - the past and present influence each other, and in turn shape the future
  • There can be inequality and intolerance, but it will never be gratuitous or done for “historical accuracy”. This isn’t history, but fantasy


  • High fantasy, high technology, but not necessarily at the same time or in the same place
  • Multiple physical planets, with multiple ways to travel between them
  • Multiple cultures, colors, species. No blatant ripoffs of existing cultures, no appropriation - instead, strive to make something both original and authentic
  • Artifacts of culture - art, music, sports. All the stuff other than the usual combat/magic/exploration focus


  • Gods, perhaps, but only in the sense of “ineffable cosmic beings”, rather than creatures inherently deserving worship or obedience
  • An underlying power source - Luma - that gives rise to numerous magical or mystical disciplines